The Benefits of Coconut Water for Plants

Plants grow significantly better with coconut water.
From tomatoes, to bananas, to orchids – studies show that coconut water helps many different types of plant grow significantly better.
We’ve sourced some articles showing the effects of coconut water on plant growth.
plants like tomatos grow at double the rate whe coconut water is used

1. Faster Growth in Seedlings

A study by Laguna National Institute of Biotechnology on tomato seedlings showed that coconut water nearly doubled the average shoot weight and nearly tripled the total root mass. 

Reference: Mamaril, J.C., Lopez, A.M., Simbahan, J.F. and Paner, E.T., 1994. Effect of coconut water growth hormone extract (CWGH) on growth and development of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) under screenhouse conditions. Philippine Journal of Crop Science.

2. Rapid Multiplication

Studies by the Journal of Applied Horticulture showed that banana plants significantly increased in number, plant height, girth, leaf number and total leaf area of plantlets when coconut water was used.

“The studies show that, rapid field multiplication of plantain suckers could be achieved with this newly developed technique with coconut water.”

the benefit of adding cocount water to seedlings is bigger, healthier plant growth

3. Propagation Success

The Indian Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biotechnology concludes that fresh coconut water can be effectively used instead of synthetic plant growth regulators (PGRs). 

“Coconut water was most suitable for in vitro micropropagation of Catharanthus roseus which showed the maximum number of nodes, leaves, shoot length and highest percentage of root/shoot emergence.
Therefore, fresh coconut water extracted from coconut fruit can be used instead of synthetic plant growth regulators (PGR)”

4. Acts as a Natural Rooting Hormone

The Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Sri Lanka) considers coconut water an abundant source of plant growth hormones. They found that plants treated with coconut water gave highest levels of root induction and overall development. 

“The protocol reported in this study utilizing CW extract is an environmentally friendly, cost effective method that could be recommended for vegetative propagation of ornamental plants … [Coconut water can be used] for vegetative propagation of P. fillicifolia canes could be recommended as a safe and quicker alternative which could be utilized in horticulture industry.”

using coconut water for monstera variegated propagation and fertiliser nutrients

5. Stronger, More Resilient Plants

Using coconut water achieved bigger and more robust kiwifruit plants that grew signigicantly faster with lower mortality rates. The treated plants also had  greater nutritional values.

“During the course of study, apart from the enhanced shoot multiplication, two major effects of coconut water were observed. First the addition of coconut water to the media resulted in about 95% increment of overall phosphorus (P) content of the media (Mezetti et al., 1991). This effect of coconut water ultimately resulted in the doubling of sub-culturing time from four to 8 weeks. This elimination of transferring the plantlets to the fresh medium resulted in the reduction of overall cost of labor and chemicals as the number of plants produced was same. The second important effect of coconut water is that it proved as a very useful pre-conditioner to achieve bigger and more robust plants.”

6. Stimulates Flower Production & Increases Yield

Coconut water stimulates flowering and significantly increases yeild of common produce. 

“Coconut water is one part of the plant that can be used to increase plant growth. Coconut water is often disposed of by the community because it is assumed that there is no benefit other than being used as a drink … coconut water can increase soybean yield by 64%, peanuts by 15% and vegetables by 20-30%, and can stimulate flowering in orchids such as dendrobium and phalaenopsis.”

How does it work?
The coconut is a seed. It contains everything it needs to grow into a young plant – like growth hormones, amino acids and nutrients.
By manufacturing our coconut water differently, we are able to contain the growth-boosting properties and make a powder that’s just as useful for plant growth as the water from fresh coconuts.
amino acid content in different cocount water powders

We introduced our coconut water to the market because all other formulas are pasteurised at very high heats which destroy the growth stimulating properties of the water.

Regular analytical testing at local labs ensure we maintain product quality and deliver you with a product that works.

the benefit of adding cocount water to seedlings is bigger, healthier plant growth
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