How to Use Coconut Water for Plants?

7 coconuts

in 50g of powder

1 gram

makes up to 1 litre

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Soil Booster

Add ½ teaspoon of Groconut® Coconut Water Powder into litre of water and mix well.

Pour solution generously over soil until water runs through the bottom of the pot.

Mature plants: Use Groconut in addition with fertiliser for mature plants for increased nutrient uptake.

Propagation/Seedlings: Use Groconut only to avoid fertiliser burn.

TIP 1: Use mixed solution within 12 hours. Use with every second watering for best results.

TIP 2: It’s easier to recover an underwater plant than an overwatered one! Make sure to research your plants watering requirements whenever you’re in doubt.


In a container, add ½ teaspoon of Groconut® Coconut Water Powder to 500ml water. Mix well, and leave the cutting in solution for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

TIP 1: Discard solution in the dripline of any other plants that need an overall boost!
TIP 2: Use as a foliar spray (instructions below) once a week to help encourage root and foliar growth.

For different propagation mediums:

Perlite/pumice: Use Groconut® Coconut Water Powder once a week as a foliar spray on cuttings.

Water: Add ¼ teaspoon Groconut® Coconut Water Powder into 500ml water 6 hours before each water change.

Spaghnum moss/fern fibre/soil: Instead of using water alone, add Groconut® Coconut Water Powder (½ teaspoon per 500ml water) when growing medium needs water.

TIP: To help prevent rot in delicate cuttings, use hydrogen peroxide in every other water.

Foliar Spray

Foliar Spray for Cuttings

In a spray bottle add ¼-½ teaspoon of Groconut® Coconut Water Powder per litre of water into a spray bottle.
Shake well, and use mixed solution within 12 hours.
Spray once a week for best results.

Foliar Spray for Established Plants

Use ¼-½ teaspoon of Groconut® Coconut Water Powder per litre of water into a spray bottle.
Shake well, and use mixed solution within 12 hours.
Spray foliage (especially the undersides) of leaves once a fortnight foliage.

TIP: The underside of a plants foliage is able to absorb more nutrients than the top side. Ensure you spray the undersides so as to maximise the growth-boosting potential of our coconut water.



· Semi-Hydroponics:
Add Groconut® Coconut Water Powder to reservoir for 6-12 hours. Replace with clean water. For best results, add hydrogen peroxide (3ml per litre of a 3% solution) to the reservoir after use.

· Hydroponics
For use in full hydroponic systems we recommend using Groconut® Coconut Water Powder 6-12 hours before you’re due to do a clean and a water change.

Based on favourable EC/PPM levels, we recommend using Groconut in the following doses:

· Seedling Phase: ¼ teaspoon Groconut® Coconut Water Powder per litre of water
· Vegetative Phase: ½ teaspoon Groconut® Coconut Water Powder per litre of water
· Flowering Phase: 1 teaspoon Groconut® Coconut Water Powder per litre of water

Studies show that coconut water:

• Doubles plant root mass 
• Stimulates flowering
• Increases nutrient uptake
• Nutritional values of edibles are higher
• Acts as a natural growth hormone

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